Again, as always the pair of you have more than the goods! (This time Xmas goodies) The tip, the big stories, the personal tragedy (asking for a friend x), and the circus theme, that circus theme, the carnival that packs away, leaving what is behind, that in itself is an amazing thought to sit with. Thank you both for years of blunt truth, hope and honesty.

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Thank you yes, please do not chill

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Wholesomely apocalyptic nourishment

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Fantastic! Thank you

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Two of my favorite personalities!

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This podcast was awesome!

Thank you.

When Austin discussed the Aries ingress and the change of leadership 1:25:-00, a fresh, heroic, version, which will most likely begin with immature versions, something that has occurred to me, is as the Nodal Axis, especially the North Node, shifts from Aries to Pisces, that the present Aries leadership, which is outrageously self-supportive, egotistical--such as the globalists WEF, CFR, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, the EU--is on the wan. They are now making fools of themselves as the Right democracy movements throughout the world--Germany, France, UK for example--are on the rise. . . The New Pluto-In-Aquarius Aries leadership is upon us!.

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Superb conversation, as always. Much gratitude for your wisdom and insights.

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